Looking for a New Place? Consider These Apartment Security and Safety Features

Looking for a New Place? Consider These Apartment Security and Safety Features

Apartment hunting can be a little overwhelming. But if you’re looking for a new place, these apartment security and safety features should definitely be considered. There’s no such thing as too safe when it comes to your home! As a single woman living alone, when it comes to finding the perfect apartment security and safety…

10 Advantages of Living Alone: Freedom, Quiet & Privacy

10 Advantages of Living Alone: Freedom, Quiet & Privacy

Thinking about moving out for the first time? Congrats! That’s a massive step to take towards gaining independence. But there’s a big question you need to answer before packing your boxes: are you going to live alone or have a roommate? There are a ton of advantages of living alone (I’m personally a big fan),…

8 Home Office in Bedroom Tips: Cozy, Comfortable & Cute

8 Home Office in Bedroom Tips: Cozy, Comfortable & Cute

The workplace is continuously changing and more people are spending their time working remotely from home. But not everyone has the space for a full-on office — especially if it’s your first apartment and you’re saving costs. This is where a home office in your bedroom comes into play. Not only does it save space,…